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Manufacturer: SupplierMedical The Discovery CT750 HD offers both high image quality and multiple dose reduction features on one platform. ASiR* ( Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction) dose reduction technology: A reconstruction technology that may enable reduction in pixel noise standard deviation. The ASiR reconstruction algorithm may allow for reduced mA in the acquisition of diagnostic images, thereby reducing the dose required1. And with high-definition image quality across anatomies — the Discovery CT750 HD can reach any part of the body of virtually any patient, and perform both generalized and specialized clinical applications, including: 1. Gemstone* Spectral Imaging – the first quantitative dual-energy CT on the market. 2. Cardiac imaging – highest spatial resolution in the industry at 18.2 lp/ cm2. 3. Neuro imaging – the Discovery CT750 HD ensures ample coverage to perform perfusion studies of the entire brain. - In clinical practice, the use of ASiR and Veo* may reduce CT patient dose depending on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location and clinical practice. A consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task. - Based upon internal test data comparing Discovery CT750 HD cardiac half-scan spatial resolution to data from Advanced CT Scanners for Coronary Angiography, ImPACT Report CEP10043, March, 2010 CT SCANNER 1. Discovery CT750 HD FREEdom Edition 2. Optima CT660CT ScannerOptima CT580 W 3. Optima* CT520 4. BrightSpeed Elite 5. Discovery CT590 RT 6. Optima CT580 RT 7. Brivo* CT325
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